...and that's why I am here

Four years ago, I was trying to discover what I really wanted for the rest of my life, and it was extremely hard for me. I just was looking for a career that cover different aspects of my life like, my economics pretentious, my personal expectations and how could I help my society by this activity. I tried to consider all this aspects and finally I decided to study English Pedagogy.

To find a University was not hard, because I have heard about them and I was really informed. Furthermore, I should enter to study because I had lost the opportunity the previous year.
The Alberto Hurtado University had a good reputation; beside I knew its way to work with the students.

When I started to study English, I really got in touch with the English. By the way I thought that it does not like me, but I love this language .It was completely unknown for me when I entered to the university, but that did that I put all my strain to learn it. On the other hand, the education subjects have showed me that I choose the correct way for my life.

I always have thought that, a teacher as a doctor has the same importance in the society. Teachers have the responsibility to put up the new generations to explore the world, and improve it. To teach a new language is to open a big window. Children, who really will be touches for this opportunity, will have a tool that will go with them for the rest of their life.

It is extremely important to be conscious that the skills that we develop today won’t be enough in the future. The movements in our planet will be unpredictable, and we like professional have the obligation to improve them. In the future the most important tool that we will need is our commitment.

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