
Well, I really enjoy reading the newspaper, but I don’t read it by internet usually. It was quite difficult for me to choused a piece of new from each webpage, because there were an amount of interesting topics that called my attention.

In first place, I read: and, in first plane I founded the ceremony that commemorated the 20th anniversary of the Berlin’s wall fell. It was represented by a dominoes wall that was demolished .Many world’s authorities were present in the event .By the way, the Angela Merkel’s testimony was the most impressive of the night.
I choused this piece of news, because I considerer that humankind shouldn’t forget their history. Otherwise, we are destined to repeat the same mistakes.
The Berlin’s wall destruction means the final of the cold war. It was a process that in one way or another affected our continent, economy and other aspects of Chilean life.

Later, I must read:, voluntarily of course. Here I could read about Chile! in the front page. It described Valaparaiso, as one of the most tourist places in Chile. Besides that, the journalist, Vanessa Gregory, highlighted every typical drinks and dishes of the region. It is a kind of gastronomic guide at the beginning but then you can find excellent tips about how to spend a great time in the zone. So, what do you think? There is a piece of Chile wherever you see.
I proud about that in international mass media include Chile’s info like real alternatives. I mean, we are on the bottom of the world but there is no doubt, that our country is really value as a beautiful country. Viva Chile mierda!!!

Finally, I visited: It was a kind of odd for me. I was trying to find an interesting piece of news and read a lot of them. Everyone was more freak than the previous one. I don’t know where I did click, actually. Well, I could read in this page about the spam. However, it had relation with Coke, that like all of us know; it is a very powerful and well known brand. The last year were sent a thousand of SMS promoting a Coca Cola campaign. The Australian Government decided does not penalize the brand for this “technological” issue. I think that maybe, the brand used its influences like company and made some money agreement with the affected.
On the other hand, it is probably that here in Chile this kind of situation should be punishing but, I really do not know this politics.

1 comentarios:

$andrita dijo...

I agree with your first piece of new. It's very interesting to know about the world and how it's affecting our country, moreover it's was horrible that happened with Berlin’s wall.But I think that now our behaviour is better than years ago, that's why we have to be good in our lives.

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